Leaving the Eurozone could just be the Hellenic Hail Mary they’ve been looking for.
Say "Hello" to Trade Surplus
With the Euro gone, the original Greek currency, the Drachma, would be resurrected. Unfortunately, this new Drachma would hold very little weigh in the exchange market. This means that rest of the world would find Greek goods and services cheaper than their own and buy 'em up! In turn, Greece would end up exporting more stuff than it imports, aka its Terms of Trade would be at Surplus.
They can inflate away their debt
Inflation would soar through the roof if Greece separates from the Eurozone. Though this might seem like a bad thing, the higher their inflation, the lower their real debt becomes. Real debt (as opposed to nominal debt) is the actual amount of debt Greece owes. It removes the effects of inflation/deflation over the years.
Foreign investment will be their new BFF
With an exchange rate like that, how could any foreign investor resist! Greeks could see new factories being built, investment properties being snapped up, and new jobs being outsourced their way. It might be scary to see so much of their country's prosperity at the mercy of foreign markets. But that's globalisation for you!
Sony Pictures
Everyone will want to holiday in Greece
Greece is a dream destination during any time of the business cycle. But with an exchange rate that favours the tourism industry, get ready to see Mykonos, Santorini, and Rhodes covered from head-to-toe in international bikini bodies.
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